6 DIY Halloween Costumes You Can Easily Make

Okay, so we all know that it’s sooo much easier to just buy a generic costume at the pop-up Halloween store that shows up in town once a year… But the satisfaction of making your OWN, unique costume that no one else is wearing plus getting to tell people, “yes, I made this”, is worthContinue reading “6 DIY Halloween Costumes You Can Easily Make”

The Year of The Romper: Midway Update

For those of you who read the original article about the sewing challenge that I created for myself for the year 2021, here’s an update on the progress so far! Inspired by a friend, I’m using ONE sewing pattern to create a new look for every single holiday of the year. I’ve titled this challenge 2021:Continue reading “The Year of The Romper: Midway Update”

Vegan January Recap

My boyfriend, Monish, and I decided to try out veganism for an entire month because – 1. To see how our bodies felt/reacted to eating completely plant based for an entire month and 2. To see if it’s something that we could do long term. On our first ever date in 2020, we had aContinue reading “Vegan January Recap”

Healthy Habit Helper – Guide and Tracker

Research shows that it takes 30 days of doing the same thing over and over again to form a habit. Some of our habits aren’t the healthiest and therefore are not very beneficial (like picking up a Starbucks Frappuccino before work each morning or smoking cigarettes daily), while other habits are incredibly healthy and beneficial to our bodies (such as drinking 8 glasses of water or brushing our teeth every day).

If we have too many unhealthy habits in our lives, we are much more prone to weight gain, illnesses and even some cancers. But for the vast majority of us, changing our unhealthy habits can seem pretty overwhelming – even more so if they’ve been part of our lives for years or even decades. So… Where do we begin?