About Bailey Reber
Bailey grew up in Lake Jackson, TX. After high school, she went straight into the workforce and quickly moved into her own apartment. At the age of 20, she took a giant leap of faith and left her hometown to experience life on her own in Houston, TX.
As a child, she was always full of energy, talkative and participated in an array of activities. She was a Girl Scout from her beginning Daisy days all the way through her senior year of high school. She shocked her entire community by setting a goal to sell 1,000 boxes of Girl Scout cookies at age 11, then exceeded it by selling 1,147 boxes total. Her love for goal-setting (and more importantly goal-reaching) began to blossom with achieving this incredible accomplishment.
At the age of ten, her beloved Nana gifted her with her very first sewing machine. Almost two decades later, her skills have increased significantly and she enjoys creating beautiful costumes, evening wear and other various articles of clothing. She recently enrolled in the Fashion Design program at a local community college with plans to transfer to The Fashion Institute of Technology in the future to complete her degree.
Bailey calls herself an “extreme extrovert” and is incredibly passionate about people. Positively impacting the lives of others brings her immense joy! She also loves learning about other cultures and is currently studying the Hindi language with help from her native-Indian boyfriend, Monish, and her Hindi teacher, Beena.
At the age of 16, she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. For years, she struggled with not only managing her mental illness, but also with accepting it while the outside world did not. She started the podcast she hosts called Distressed to Joyful; Bailey’s Way in order to help encourage others to seek any professional help they need, especially in times of darkness. She hopes that being vulnerable on hard topics via her podcast will be a “beacon of light” for listeners who are currently struggling with similar situations. She also hopes to bring about new perspectives to those not directly affected by mental illness in order to help them understand the world with a kinder heart. To learn more, be sure to subscribe and tune in to the episodes.