24 Nostalgic Mean Girls Quotes That Are So Fetch

One other special thing I did was create party favors for my friends by decorating reusable cups with quotes from the movie. I was also very careful not to use any of the quotes found in the trivia game because I didn’t want to give away any hints or answers before we could begin playing. That said, you’ll find 24 nostalgic Mean Girls movie quotes that will remind you of a time when everyone wore Juicy Couture velour pant sets and had bling all over their flip phones. Enjoy reminiscing, my friend!

4 Fabulous Birthday Photoshoot Ideas

I’ve now completed a total of 4 different birthday photoshoots – all of which have a unique theme to them – and I’ve decided to share them all with you in hopes of inspiring your next birthday photoshoot! ? Below are all four themes and the different components that I used for them. Enjoy and happy creative planning, friend!

I’m a 27-Year-Old First Time College Student

For me, attending college after high school wasn’t exactly an option. Sure, I applied to a few schools during the fall semester of my senior year like all of the other kids were doing, but I never actually pictured myself going off to school in the following year.

There are multiple reasons as to why I didn’t feel like college was for me. First of all, the financial aspect. My parents decided early on that they would not pay for myself or my two siblings to attend college – that we would have to figure out how to afford it on our own. This stems from the fact that my dad and my uncle put themselves through school in the 80s, so they believed that we should have to do it too. To be honest, I resented my parents for a long time for this but I’m now in a place where I actually appreciate their decision.

6 DIY Halloween Costumes You Can Easily Make

Okay, so we all know that it’s sooo much easier to just buy a generic costume at the pop-up Halloween store that shows up in town once a year… But the satisfaction of making your OWN, unique costume that no one else is wearing plus getting to tell people, “yes, I made this”, is worthContinue reading “6 DIY Halloween Costumes You Can Easily Make”

5 Ultra-Fun Things to Do in Hot Springs, Arkansas

I’d like to start by saying that I’m from Texas and I have never, ever thought to myself “let’s go to Arkansas!” when planning a trip. I mean, what’s there to even do in ARKANSAS?!

About a month ago, my boyfriend and his friends decided that they wanted to go somewhere over Labor Day weekend (and include the girlfriends and wives this time, finally!) but with the holiday weekend being only a month away, our options were extremely limited. The group consisted of people living in Texas, Louisiana and Tennessee so with such short notice, we decided that we wanted to go somewhere drive-able in order to avoid ridiculous airline prices. We also wanted to go to a state that none of us currently lived in so the only option seemed to be Arkansas.

Let me just tell you, this trip took my by surprise – and the good kind of surprise! We had such an amazing time while never once being bored or running out of things to do. Also, excluding the cost of the lakeside Airbnb, we really didn’t spend a whole lot of money – an added bonus for this budget-conscious girl!

The Year of The Romper: Midway Update

For those of you who read the original article about the sewing challenge that I created for myself for the year 2021, here’s an update on the progress so far! Inspired by a friend, I’m using ONE sewing pattern to create a new look for every single holiday of the year. I’ve titled this challenge 2021:Continue reading “The Year of The Romper: Midway Update”