15. How Gratitude Changed My Life – Distressed to Joyful; Bailey's Way
Also found on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Stitcher.
Tune into this episode as I spill the beans on how practicing gratitude has changed my life – for the better! I go into detail on the importance of this daily practice while giving thoughtful examples on how to make the most of it to reap all of its benefits.
- Here’s the link I kept referencing throughout the show from VeryWellMind.com that fully explains gratitude.
- Want to read more about the beginning of my journey as an adult college student? Click here to check out the blog post.
- Don’t forget to get yourself signed up for the next round of 60 Days Stronger Challenge! Click here to get all of the info that you need sent right to your inbox.
- Dude, you should definitely send in your “what a weirdo” habits! Click here to submit them anonymously through this awesome form that I created for you!
- I wrote an article about a year ago that maps out how I engage with my gratitude practice…it’s right here for you to help you get yours started too! 🙂
- I briefly mentioned that I have a bedtime routine that my gratitude practice is part of… Curious as to what that looks like? Click here to get all of the details!
- Be sure to follow @distressedtojoyful_baileysway on Instagram and join the Facebook community group to keep up with the latest information pertaining to the show!
- Never want to miss an episode? Click here to sign up to have new episode releases sent right to your inbox! I’ll throw in some other goodies also, just for you!
Until next time friends… Take it easy, stay grateful and be joyful!
Check out the show notes from the latest episodes below!
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