S5. Episode 6: Therapy Unveiled: My Personal Journey, Vulnerable Moments, and How to Make Therapy Work for You – Show Notes

Also found on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Audible, and YouTube. Discover the transformative power of therapy in the latest episode of “Distressed to Joyful; Bailey’s Way”. In “Therapy Unveiled: My Personal Journey, Vulnerable Moments, and How to Make Therapy Work for You,” I share my 12.5-year therapy journey, revealing how the first 5.5 years were wasted due to myContinue reading “S5. Episode 6: Therapy Unveiled: My Personal Journey, Vulnerable Moments, and How to Make Therapy Work for You – Show Notes”

S2. Episode 3: Therapy – Then Vs Now – Show Notes

Tune in as Bailey discusses what it was like when she first began therapy 9 years ago verses what therapy is like for her now. Hear how her perspective of therapy has changed over the years as well as how she has greatly benefited from years of attending sessions.