Episode 16. Part Three: Family Relations & Bipolar Disorder


16. Part Three: Family Relations & Bipolar Disorder Distressed to Joyful; Bailey's Way

The last of a three-part series where our host, Bailey Reber, discusses how she wishes that her family would've reacted to her diagnosis with bipolar disorder. She hopes that her perspective on how she was/wasn't treated after being diagnosed will help others understand how their own actions affect those around them. SHOW NOTES: https://whatisheybailsdoing.com/2020/11/02/episode-16-part-three-family-relations-bipolar-disorder/  WEBSITE: https://whatisheybailsdoing.com/  COMMUNITY: https://www.facebook.com/groups/distressedtojoyful.baileysway/ SOCIAL: https://www.instagram.com/distressedtojoyful_baileysway/

Also available for listening on Spotify & Apple Podcasts

Hey – thanks for listening to the show and more specifically, this episode! Part Three of the three-part series on relationships with those with bipolar disorder is now complete! Below I’ve got some links that go along with the topics that I discussed in this here episode. There’s also some bonus fun at the bottom so be sure to make it down to the end (or just skip to the bottom if you can’t wait LOL).

  • Wanna check out the really cool book I was telling you about? The one with the therapist undergoing therapy for her own personal struggles? Click here to learn more about Maybe You Should Talk To Someone by Lori Gottlieb << I hope you are better at pronouncing her last name than I was!
  • Remember how I mentioned that eating a good, healthy diet is important for mental health? Check out this article published by Harvard Medical School. Hopefully this will help what I mentioned in the show make a lot more sense.
  • If you’re looking to watch the TV show I mentioned, Atypical, I think you’re making the right choice! It’s a Netflix series so hopefully you have an account or at least access to someone else’s. 😉
  • Check out this wonderful article on Psychology Today that further discusses the topic of shame that I briefly touched in this episode.
  • On the topic of exercise, I found this B-E-A-U-tiful article on Help Guide that goes into great detail on the benefits of exercise for your mental health. It even goes as far as to break down how exercise helps specific types of mental health issues so get to reading!
  • I want YOU to be a guest on the show! And you want to be one too so click here to sign up to receive the guest questionnaire so we can get this ball rolling.

Side note: while I participated in sports for the majority of my childhood, I wasn’t exactly athletic. I was average at best at pretty much all of the sports I tried out. I also never stuck to any one sport long enough to actually GET good… And four years of basketball definitely proved to not be enough training/practice to make it on the Junior High team but I’ve decided to grace you with these photos from my basketball days in the 2000s. Enjoy, friends!

Until next time… Take it easy, stay grateful and be joyful!

Check out more episodes from Season 1 of the podcast while you’re here!

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