16. Dude, What's Your Problem? – Distressed to Joyful; Bailey's Way
Also found on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and YouTube.
Tune in as I speak straight from the heart about how bipolar disorder often turns my tone of voice into an aggressive one. When anger or frustration arise, it often comes out onto whoever happens to be nearby, although it may have absolutely nothing to do with the other person involved. I hope that hearing me describe how bipolar disorder can often take over my emotions will help you better understand why people you know (or even sometimes people you don’t know!) may do this to you for seemingly no reason. I leave you with a simple challenge that, when taken on by the masses, can help change the world for the better.

- Here’s the link to the YouTube video interview that I did with CA Kanooble for the Mentally Kill Project! Seriously, y’all, this was so much fun but also very informative as Christy opened my eyes to Borderline Personality Disorder and its similarities to Bipolar Disorder.
- I talk about feelings a lot throughout this episode, therefore I must recommend that you tune into Season 2, Episode 13: Feel Your Feelings, if you haven’t already! And speaking of feelings, scroll to the bottom to check out an Emotion Wheel – something that I mentioned in this episode which is a very helpful tool when working on identifying different types of emotions.
- As the holiday season is now fully upon us, I wanted to share an article that I wrote during the 2021 holiday season titled, “Call Me Ms. Scrooge“. I, personally, don’t care for the holiday season as I’ve endured a lot of trauma during this time of year… If you’re also not a fan of the holiday season, please know that you’re not alone. ? Additionally, you can tune into Season 1, Episode 22: Uhm, Happy Holidays? to hear more about my personal experiences with shitty holiday seasons.
- I mentioned that I am BACK IN INDIA for the second time in 2022 and, y’all, I am so thrilled. If you’re curious as to what my personal connections with India are or if you’d love to learn about my experiences traveling throughout this magnificent country, check out my blog post series, India Trip 2022. The first article, “Day 1 (Part 1) – Arrival” is the best place to start. If you’re more interested in what my connection with India is, start with “Day 2 – Meeting the Parents“. ?
- Be sure to follow @distressedtojoyful_baileysway on Instagram and join the Facebook community group to keep up with the latest information pertaining to the show!
- The podcast can now be found on YouTube! ? The most recent episodes will even include video so you can see my face while I talk to you. ?? Be sure to check out and subscribe to @whatisheybailsdoing on YouTube to stay up-to-date with all episode releases.
- Never want to miss an episode? Click here to sign up to have new episode releases sent right to your inbox! I’ll throw in some other goodies also, just for you!
- Lastly, if you enjoy tuning in and want to help support the show, your kindness and generosity is much appreciated! Head on over to the Support the Show page to learn more!

Until next time friends… Take it easy, stay grateful and be joyful!
Check out the show notes from the latest episodes below!
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