7. Me, My Partner & My Bipolar Disorder – How We Live In Harmony Together – Distressed to Joyful; Bailey's Way
Also found on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Stitcher.
Tune in as I further discuss ways that me and my partner, Monish, find solutions to prevent future arguments or fights from reoccurring. All relationships take work, and when bipolar disorder is thrown into the mix, you sometimes have to incorporate new ideas and solutions to help keep the relationship thriving.

- Here’s the link to the Instagram Post that I recently made where I talk about how I’ve been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately.
- If you haven’t already, be sure to tune into Season 2, Episode 14: “That’s Not Me, That’s Bipolar Disorder” to get a better understanding as to why Monish and I have put up a bunch of posters all over our walls that say this phrase. Adding this link into these show notes is the least I can do since I decided not to further discuss these posters in this episode 😉
- Do YOU love coupons as much as I do? Be sure to get your 15% off coupon for Bailey’s Way Designs Etsy shop so you can save some money while finding some cute items that you didn’t even know you needed!
- As promised, here’s the link to the next piece of my first adventure to India, “India Trip: Day 1 – March 14th, 2022 (Part 2)“. I hope you enjoy traveling through India vicariously through me!
- Dude, you should definitely send in your “what a weirdo” habits! Click here to submit them anonymously through the awesome What A Weirdo form that I created just for you!
- Don’t forget to check out Magic Mind and give it a try for yourself! Head over to https://www.magicmind.co/Joy and use code JOY20 at checkout to receive 20% off your order!
- Be sure to follow @distressedtojoyful_baileysway on Instagram and join the Facebook community group to keep up with the latest information pertaining to the show!
- Never want to miss an episode? Click here to sign up to have new episode releases sent right to your inbox! I’ll throw in some other goodies also, just for you!

Until next time friends… Take it easy, stay grateful and be joyful!
Check out the show notes from the latest episodes below!
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