S5. Episode 3: How to Manage Bipolar Disorder; Bailey’s Way – Show Notes


8. Where the hell has Bailey been?! Distressed to Joyful; Bailey's Way

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Tune in as I discuss both what medical professionals recommend doing to help manage bipolar disorder as well as what I personally do that helps me manage my bipolar 2 disorder. I hope that sharing both the research as well as what works best for me will inspire you to start experimenting to find what works best for you. You’ll leave this episode feeling hopeful, understanding that bipolar disorder is manageable and equipped with tools to help you succeed!

Self Reflection Corner

In this episode, I disclose that I’ve struggled with perfectionism for the majority of my life. In 2019, my therapist recommended that I read “The Gifts of Imperfection” by Brené Brown, which helped me overcome some of the main struggles that came along with perfectionism. Tune into the episode to learn more!

  • As defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, perfectionism is “a disposition to regard anything short of perfection as unacceptable”

For additional information about how Brené Brown’s books have changed my life for the better, check out my article, Brené Brown’s Books Ranked in Order of Most Valuable

What I Do to Manage MY Bipolar Disorder

Focus on Completing “The Big 3” Each Day

For as long as I can remember, my therapist has always told me that I need to focus on the following:

    1. Exercising daily
    2. Eating healthy meals as much as possible
    3. Getting sufficient sleep

These are “core tasks” that will help improve other areas of your life if participating in them regularly. 

Stick to a Routine

My bedtime routine is pretty consistent since I’ve been doing this for so long, but I’m working on improving my morning routine right now as it’s gotten all out of whack since returning from a recent 6-week trip to India. Check out my article The Bedtime Routine That Regulates My Sleep to learn about my routine and get tips on how to create a bedtime routine of your own.

Track My Moods

Per my therapist’s request, I am now tracking my moods each day. I’m actually working really, really hard to remember to jot this data down daily because having it will help me figure out if there are any trends in my episodes and mood swings. 


This should be self explanatory, but there was a time when I wasn’t taking my medications daily… And those were not good days. Feel free to tune into Season 4, Episode 4: My Personal Experiences with Bipolar Medications to hear how about the process that I went through to find both a good psychiatrist and the right medications, as well as why it’s so important to do these things.

Stay Connected with My Support Network

We, as humans, are a social species, meaning we actually need connection with others in order to survive. As stated an article titled, “America Has a Loneliness Epidemic” found on NPR.org, “There is an epidemic of loneliness in the United States and lacking connection can increase the risk for premature death to levels comparable to smoking 15 cigarettes a day, according to a new advisory from the U.S. Surgeon General.Click here to read the entire article so you can gain a better understanding as to why it’s important to get out and socialize on a regular basis. 


If you can afford to see a therapist, I totally recommend it! I’ve been seeing my therapist for 12 years now and she has helped me in soooo many ways! It’s like “educating yourself”, but a curated version as your therapist will recommend things you should do, read, watch, etc. based upon you and your current life situations. It’s been incredibly helpful for me!

Here’s a random photo of me and my pug, Duke, just for funsies!

5-4-3-2-1 Coping Technique 

In this podcast episode, you’ll hear me do a practice run of this technique, which was designed to help ground us and bring us into the present when we’re dealing with some heavy emotions, such as anxiety or anger. This technique involves engaging all five of your senses (if applicable), requiring you to look around and focus on

  • 5 things you see
  • 4 things you feel
  • 3 things you hear
  • 2 things you smell
  • 1 thing you taste

I usually name these items in my head to myself, but you can also name them out loud if you’re in a safe space either alone or with someone you trust.


Until next time friends… Take it easy, stay grateful and be joyful!

Check out my latest articles below!

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