S2. Episode 7: Healthy vs. Unhealthy – Show Notes

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7. Healthy vs. Unhealthy Distressed to Joyful; Bailey's Way

In this episode, I’ll tell you a story about how I learned that “healthy” is the main adjective that we should all be continuously striving towards. I’ll also give you a different perspective on descriptive words that we’re all guilty of using, while challenging you to open your eyes further by participating in two simple exercises.

Directions for completing “The Healthy Exercise”

  1. Take a blank sheet of paper and write the word healthy at the very top.
  2. Spend about 10-15 minutes brainstorming all words and phrases that come to mind when you think of this word
  3. Spend additional time brainstorming things you can do each day to help you move closer towards the healthiest version of you! 🙂 Example: Start making it a habit to take the stairs instead of the elevator to get extra steps/movement in.


  • Link to the CNBC article that I spoke about in the episode where I found information on the average American’s debt – click here.
  • Here’s Merriam-Webster Dictionary’s definitions of both Healthy and Unhealthy.
  • Interested in learning more about my 60 Days Stronger Challenge? Click here to read further or here to jump the gun and get signed up
  • I know you’re DYING to join my email club so click here to get yourself signed up. 😉
  • For all of you overachievers, check out Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life by Henry Cloud before tuning into episode 8.
  • Although this was *not* mentioned in the show, check out this article I wrote about the Healthy Habit Helper I created that will help you build long-lasting, healthy habits
  • Don’t forget to check out @distressedtojoyful_baileysway on Instagram or join the Facebook Community to stay up-to-date with all things related to the show.

Until next time… Take it easy, stay grateful & be joyful!

For funsies, here’s a transformation photo taken during the peak of my wellness journey.

Ready for more? Check out some of the other episodes from Season 2!

Published by Bailey Reber

Hi friends! Welcome to the world of Hey Bails, where you will get a glimpse of all the things I get myself into! Explore the world with me, check up on my progress learning the Hindi language, hear about my journey with mental health & bipolar 2 disorder via my podcast (Distressed to Joyful; Bailey's Way) and learn how to do a variety of DIY projects with me, such as crafting and beauty tutorials. So, what are you waiting for? Let's start having FUN!

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