6 DIY Halloween Costumes You Can Easily Make

Okay, so we all know that it’s sooo much easier to just buy a generic costume at the pop-up Halloween store that shows up in town once a year… But the satisfaction of making your OWN, unique costume that no one else is wearing plus getting to tell people, “yes, I made this”, is worthContinue reading “6 DIY Halloween Costumes You Can Easily Make”

DIY Souvenir Photo Frame

Okay so first off, my boyfriend and I are both very sentimental people. This is typically not a bad thing…until we travel and find many little items to bring back from the trip that have no real place to stay in our home. I was recently going through a box full of seemingly random stuffContinue reading “DIY Souvenir Photo Frame”

DIY Date Night Jars

Okay, be honest with me… How many times have you and your significant other had the HARDEST time picking a restaurant to have dinner at? Or wanted to go on a fun date together on your only free night of the week…but had no idea what to do? I’ll be real with you – thisContinue reading “DIY Date Night Jars”