S3. Episode 9: Nightmares & Trauma – Show Notes

Tune in as I discuss the nightmares I’ve been dealing with recently as well as the probable cause of them… I dive into the research that I’ve done on the topic of trauma and nightmares, and I also take some time to recount a few of my own nightmares with you. If you’re also experiencing nightmares, this episode will help you to not feel alone in this struggle while encouraging you to seek the help you may need.

Why is Good Sleep so Important?

If you read a recent post of mine titled The Bedtime Routine That Regulates My Sleep, then you got all the deets on what I do in order to be able to fall asleep at a decent hour. And you’re also aware that I wake up feeling great BECAUSE I get enough sleep each night…Continue reading “Why is Good Sleep so Important?”

The Bedtime Routine That Regulates My Sleep

The problems with my nonexistent sleep routine really started to interfere with my life when I accepted a full time position that allowed me to drop my second job. I was free from working late into the evenings, although now I was often required to be at my desk by 7:30am. At first, that was a NIGHTMARE for me as I typically didn’t go to bed until after midnight. But once 2019 rolled around, I decided that enough was enough and it was time to get my act together! I did some research and found that I needed to put together a bedtime routine in order to be able to go to sleep on time which then makes waking up so much easier.