S5. Episode 2: What I Learned About My Bipolar Disorder While Traveling Abroad – Show Notes

Also found on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Audible, and YouTube. Tune in as I reveal what I learned about my bipolar disorder while traveling abroad and spending 6 consecutive weeks living in India. I get vulnerable and tell you the mistakes I made, while also discussing the solutions that I’ve come up with in order to help myselfContinue reading “S5. Episode 2: What I Learned About My Bipolar Disorder While Traveling Abroad – Show Notes”

Episode 2. Bipolar Disorder… What exactly is that? – Show Notes

I’ve heard of bipolar disorder, but what exactly is it? And how does it affect people? Join host, Bailey Reber, as she breaks down the details of bipolar disorder while encouraging those who are considering seeking help to do so. Learn what type of bipolar disorder Bailey was diagnosed with and options for success when choosing a psychiatrist for the first time.

S4. Episode 2: Bipolar Disorder & Sensory Overload – Show Notes

In this episode, Bailey discusses the connection between bipolar disorder and sensory overload (also known as hypersensitivity). She takes time to discuss research that she’s done on this topic and how it relates to personal life experiences that she’s undergone. Sensory overload affects many different types of people with mental diagnoses, more than just those with bipolar disorder. Bailey hopes that you’ll leave this episode with a better understanding and more empathy for those in the world around you.

S3. Episode 13: This is What a Bipolar Hypomanic Episode Feels Like – Show Notes

In this episode, I discuss what it feels like in the midst of a bipolar 2 hypomanic episode. These hypomanic episodes are generally very specific to bipolar 2 disorder and therefore can be very confusing to those without this diagnosis. I truly hope to help those listening who have bipolar 2 disorder to feel less alone while tuning in. At the same time, I hope to leave those of you who do NOT have bipolar disorder feeling full of new information and insight on what their friends/loved ones may be going through.

S2. Episode 14: That’s Not Me, That’s Bipolar Disorder – Show Notes

Tune into this episode to learn about the “less popularly known” symptoms of bipolar disorder that many of those diagnosed deal with on a regular basis. Bailey talks about her own experiences with them, plus she’ll explain how what she learned in an article combined with changing a few of her behaviors has really strengthened her relationship with my life partner, Monish.