I’m a 27-Year-Old First Time College Student

For me, attending college after high school wasn’t exactly an option. Sure, I applied to a few schools during the fall semester of my senior year like all of the other kids were doing, but I never actually pictured myself going off to school in the following year.

There are multiple reasons as to why I didn’t feel like college was for me. First of all, the financial aspect. My parents decided early on that they would not pay for myself or my two siblings to attend college – that we would have to figure out how to afford it on our own. This stems from the fact that my dad and my uncle put themselves through school in the 80s, so they believed that we should have to do it too. To be honest, I resented my parents for a long time for this but I’m now in a place where I actually appreciate their decision.

6 Amazing Books for Healing

If you’ve tuned into my podcast, Distressed to Joyful; Bailey’s Way, you’re probably fully aware that I am no stranger to trauma as well as the work it takes to be able to heal from it. Alongside working with my therapist, I’ve read many books to help me better understand the things that I’ve beenContinue reading “6 Amazing Books for Healing”

S2. Episode 9: I Love You…From Afar – Show Notes

Also found on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Stitcher. Tune in as I discuss how to handle people in our lives who we are unable to allow into our personal spaces – both physical and mental. Hear me speak about some real-life examples about people that I have chosen to love from afar, how I handle these situations without hurtingContinue reading “S2. Episode 9: I Love You…From Afar – Show Notes”

S2. Episode 7: Healthy vs. Unhealthy – Show Notes

Also found on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Stitcher. In this episode, I’ll tell you a story about how I learned that “healthy” is the main adjective that we should all be continuously striving towards. I’ll also give you a different perspective on descriptive words that we’re all guilty of using, while challenging you to open your eyes further byContinue reading “S2. Episode 7: Healthy vs. Unhealthy – Show Notes”

S2. Episode 4: What Is The Enneagram? – Show Notes

Tune into this episode as Bailey discusses what the Enneagram is, why it’s important and how you can use it to help better yourself as well as those around you. She’ll break it down in an easy, simple explanation while encouraging you to do a little self-discovery and type yourself.