S3. Episode 12: How to Support a Loved One Who is Feeling Depressed – Show Notes

Tune in as Bailey discusses the Do’s and Don’ts when trying to support a loved one who is feeling depressed. She discusses information she’s gathered via trusted sources as well as speaking from the heart about real-life experiences. She hopes that you’ll leave this episode with a better understanding of what you can and should do when supporting a loved one through their depression.

S3. Episode 11: This is What Depression Feels Like – Show Notes

Tune in as Bailey gets vulnerable and talks all about what her bipolar disorder depressive episodes have felt like over the years. She goes into detail on behaviors that she would often (and still sometimes does) engage in while depressed as a way to help those who have never experienced depression to better understand it. It’s also an opportunity for those currently dealing with depression or intermittent depressive episodes to hear that you are not alone.

S3. Episode 10: The Body Keeps The Score – Show Notes

Tune in as I discuss a difficult book that I’ve been reading about trauma and how I’ve been able to continue to do so without becoming triggered. The Body Keeps The Score by Dr. Bessel van Der Kolk is a fascinating book that helps the reader understand how trauma affects our brain, mind and body and how we can move forward with healing. This is NOT a book review episode and WARNING: it may be triggering to some.

India Trip: Day 2 – Meeting the Parents (March 15, 2022)

We awoke mid-morning after a full night’s sleep and began to frantically get ready for the busy day ahead. First on the list were our salon appointments that we were on the verge of being late to, so breakfast was scarfed down in a hurry just moments before we rushed out the door. We scurried down the street, hailed an auto and made our way to the salon. Upon arriving, Moni notified the salon staff that we needed to leave no later than 12:30pm as we had a flight to catch that afternoon…

S3. Episode 9: Nightmares & Trauma – Show Notes

Tune in as I discuss the nightmares I’ve been dealing with recently as well as the probable cause of them… I dive into the research that I’ve done on the topic of trauma and nightmares, and I also take some time to recount a few of my own nightmares with you. If you’re also experiencing nightmares, this episode will help you to not feel alone in this struggle while encouraging you to seek the help you may need.

S3. Episode 8: I Wish My Parents Would Have… – Show Notes

Tune in as I get vulnerable and deep about the things that I wish my parents would have done while I was growing up that would’ve been the support that I needed. As I have begun to open up about this topic more and more in recent times, I’ve learned that many other people have had similar situations with their parents…and I hope that this episode will bring about awareness to parents of school-aged children to help them avoid making some of the same, hurtful mistakes.

S3. Episode 7: Me, My Partner & My Bipolar Disorder – How We Live In Harmony Together – Show Notes

Tune in as I further discuss ways that me and my partner, Monish, find solutions to prevent future arguments or fights from reoccurring. All relationships take work, and when bipolar disorder is thrown into the mix, you sometimes have to incorporate new ideas and solutions to help keep the relationship thriving. 

India Trip: Day 1 (Part 2) – Exploring Mumbai (March 14th, 2022)

As Moni and I laid there for a moment, allowing ourselves to fully become awake, we began to notice sounds from the streets below as Mumbai was also beginning to wake up. We ate breakfast in the house prepared by Auntie, then Tanvi walked us down the apartment building and up the street so that we could catch a ride in an auto (also known as an auto-rickshaw) to take us to Westside, a clothing store local to India.

India Trip: Day 1 (Part 1) – Arrival (March 14th, 2022)

We landed at the Mumbai airport at 2:30am. By this time, we had spent about 18 hours total in flight (14 hours from Houston, TX, USA to Doha, Qatar then another 4 hours from Doha, Qatar to Mumbai, Maharashtra, India). Both myself and my partner, Monish, were incredibly exhausted, hungry and…