Episode 19: “What No One Ever Told You About Bipolar Disorder” – Show Notes

Go ahead and hit that “play” button to hear our host, Bailey Reber, speak some wonderful truths about bipolar disorder that you’ve likely never heard before. 

Give Thanks, Every Day

With Thanksgiving being this week, I’ve had the word “gratitude” on my mind quite a bit more than usual… Not going to lie, I used to be the type of person who only gave thanks on Thanksgiving Day because, well, that’s what everyone else did. What I didn’t realize was that giving thanks everyone singleContinue reading “Give Thanks, Every Day”

Episode 18. “Red Flags in Romantic & Family Relationships” – Show Notes

Join our host, Bailey Reber, as she reviews the warning signs that often occur when you’re in the midst of a toxic relationship – whether that be romantic or your relationship with your family. Hear her discuss some real-life examples to help you learn when it’s time to free yourself from negativity and walk away.

Episode 17. Red Flags in Friendships – Show Notes

Do you know have some “friends” who don’t treat you right? Or any who try to take advantage of your generosity on a regular basis? Tune into this episode to hear real-life examples of “friends” who weren’t actually friends to Bailey. Learn when to start paying closer attention to people’s hidden agendas based upon their actions and when it’s time for you to walk away.

DIY Souvenir Photo Frame

Okay so first off, my boyfriend and I are both very sentimental people. This is typically not a bad thing…until we travel and find many little items to bring back from the trip that have no real place to stay in our home. I was recently going through a box full of seemingly random stuffContinue reading “DIY Souvenir Photo Frame”

Episode 16. Part Three: Family Relations & Bipolar Disorder

The last of a three-part series where our host, Bailey Reber, discusses how she wishes that her family would’ve reacted to her diagnosis with bipolar disorder. She hopes that her perspective on how she was/wasn’t treated after being diagnosed will help others understand how their own actions affect those around them.

Episode 15. Part Two: Romantic Relationships + Bipolar Disorder Show Notes

Part Two of a three-part series on maintaining healthy relationships with those who have bipolar disorder. Our host, Bailey Reber, gets very vulnerable while discussing a past toxic romantic relationship verses how different it is to be in a healthy one now. Tune in to learn the major differences between the two plus what you can expect when dating someone who has bipolar disorder.

Episode 14. Part One: Friendships & Bipolar Disorder – Show Notes

Friendships aren’t always easy, especially when one of the parties is a little bit different than the rest. Having a mental health disorder, such as bipolar disorder, can make navigating friendships a little more difficult although it can be done! Our host, Bailey, dives deep into what she’s learned in order to help keep the relationships with her friends strong and healthy. 

DIY Date Night Jars

Okay, be honest with me… How many times have you and your significant other had the HARDEST time picking a restaurant to have dinner at? Or wanted to go on a fun date together on your only free night of the week…but had no idea what to do? I’ll be real with you – thisContinue reading “DIY Date Night Jars”

31 Journal Prompts for Self Discovery

I’m not going to lie, I used to HATE journaling. My therapist has been recommending it for years now as a healthy coping mechanism in order to help manage my bipolar disorder. Being an Enneagram 8, I decided that I didn’t need to take her advice and that journaling just wasn’t going to help me.Continue reading “31 Journal Prompts for Self Discovery”