S2. Episode 2: Anger Management; Bailey’s Way – Show Notes

Also found on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Stitcher. Tune into this week’s episode as I spill the beans on my past problems with anger. In this episode I discuss how feeling angry is natural although how you handle your anger is really important. I leave you with tips and tricks on how to manage yourContinue reading “S2. Episode 2: Anger Management; Bailey’s Way – Show Notes”

What is Poshmark and Why Should You Use It?

I get asked questions like this on a regular basis so I figured a blog post would be a wonderful way to get all of the information out easily to the masses. Enjoy soaking up this free knowledge from a Poshmark-fanatic! 😉 Poshmark is an app that is essentially an online resell shop – butContinue reading “What is Poshmark and Why Should You Use It?”

S2. Episode 1: Well… THAT Didn’t Go As Planned… – Show Notes

Welcome to Season TWO of Distressed to Joyful; Bailey’s Way! In this episode, Bailey is so pleased to share all of the new, exciting things to come in this season. She’s also going to share what the year 2020 was and what it wasn’t for her, while also leaving you with a little challenge for you to complete on your own time.

Why is Good Sleep so Important?

If you read a recent post of mine titled The Bedtime Routine That Regulates My Sleep, then you got all the deets on what I do in order to be able to fall asleep at a decent hour. And you’re also aware that I wake up feeling great BECAUSE I get enough sleep each night…Continue reading “Why is Good Sleep so Important?”

Healthy Habit Helper – Guide and Tracker

Research shows that it takes 30 days of doing the same thing over and over again to form a habit. Some of our habits aren’t the healthiest and therefore are not very beneficial (like picking up a Starbucks Frappuccino before work each morning or smoking cigarettes daily), while other habits are incredibly healthy and beneficial to our bodies (such as drinking 8 glasses of water or brushing our teeth every day).

If we have too many unhealthy habits in our lives, we are much more prone to weight gain, illnesses and even some cancers. But for the vast majority of us, changing our unhealthy habits can seem pretty overwhelming – even more so if they’ve been part of our lives for years or even decades. So… Where do we begin?

It’s My Birthday, I’ll Be Extra If I Want To

In the past, I’ve thrown my own birthday parties at the beginning of December in order to beat the overbooking of holiday parties that arise the closer it gets to Christmas. While these parties have always been fun, in 2018 I decided that I wanted to do something a little more special for myself… Pinterest came to the rescue with an amazing idea – a birthday photo shoot! I mean, what better gift to give to myself than a reason to sew a new fancy outfit, get dressed up and have my photo taken?!

My 2020 Reading List

For the year 2020, I set a goal to read 15 new books. I came so close by finishing the year with a total of 14 new books read! While I tend to be an over-achiever, not reaching this goal ended up being a very important life lesson for me…. Sure, I could’ve spent myContinue reading “My 2020 Reading List”

The Bedtime Routine That Regulates My Sleep

The problems with my nonexistent sleep routine really started to interfere with my life when I accepted a full time position that allowed me to drop my second job. I was free from working late into the evenings, although now I was often required to be at my desk by 7:30am. At first, that was a NIGHTMARE for me as I typically didn’t go to bed until after midnight. But once 2019 rolled around, I decided that enough was enough and it was time to get my act together! I did some research and found that I needed to put together a bedtime routine in order to be able to go to sleep on time which then makes waking up so much easier.

Episode 21. “What The Hell Is Going On?!” – Show Notes

Tune in as host, Bailey Reber, gets real and personal on the darker side of bipolar disorder. Listen to her perspective to understand what it’s like to live with bipolar 2 disorder…or just to hear the voice of someone who struggles in life sometimes, just like everyone does.

Episode 20. “Why Are Routines Important?” – Show Notes

In this episode, listen to Bailey discuss the importance of having a regular routine and why it’s especially important for those of us who have bipolar disorder to participate in one on a daily basis. You’ll hear a bunch of wonderful, healthy options of items to add into a routine when first starting out, as well as the best way to get your very first routine put into practice.